¡Prospera! means prosperous, successful, fortunate, and fair. In a word, it encompasses all that Virginia Garcia stands for, and our hopes for our patients and community.  Since our founding in 1975, to today, our mission has remained the same: to provide high-quality, culturally appropriate care to those who need it most, with a special emphasis on migrant and seasonal farmworkers and others with barriers to receiving health care.  Today, Virginia Garcia operates 6 primary care clinics, 6 dental clinics, 1 reproductive care clinic, and 5 school-based health centers serving over 52,000 patients across Washington and Yamhill counties.  In addition to these locations, Virginia Garcia operates a mobile clinic that is critical to providing care to those who need it, right where they live, work, and gather.  98% percent of patients are from low-income households, 42.7% are 21 years of age or younger, and 18% are farm or agricultural workers.

Together with our staff, supporters, and partners, we can make this hope a reality for those we serve and who count on us as their health care home.  We invite you to take part in a joyous night benefiting Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center.  We will celebrate our accomplishments from the past year and look to the future with optimism and hope.

AVENUE Portland
631 NE Grand Ave
Portland, OR 97232